How to Get Rid of XP Antivirus?

An XP antivirus is a malware that can fool people who are novices and unfamiliar with the Internet world. They purchase them, that turn into faulty antivirus software. The Trojan viruses, also known as bugs are the source of spyware. It appears to be authentic software, but it is the most common scam.

It starts by generating pop-up warning dialog boxes. The message warns you of an virus that is on your hard drive and attempts to trick you into giving you it the "XP Anti-virus" software to aid your system in getting rid of dangers and harmful programs that are running on your PC. Be aware that these messages and programs are not real and are just a scam. Remove this spyware software from your computer in the earliest time possible to avoid any ambiguous issue or damage.

Instructions to deal with your XP Anti-virus

They are specific processes, and we will discuss possible methods that follow.

Un-register DLL Files

Step one

Navigate to"Start", then select the "Start" menu by clicking on it and selecting "Run"

Step Two

In the pop-up window that appears, enter "cmd" for Webroot prompt in the search bar and then confirm it by clicking on "OK" on the "OK" tab to start the Webroot prompt dialog box.

Step Three

In the pop-up window that appears, press with the keyboard this keystroke "regsvr32 /uwininet.dll then press "Enter" "Enter" key to un-register the DLL files.

Step Fourth

Repetition the steps above and next time, enter 'wininet.dll.md5 to eliminate them by clicking the cross mark on the right side of the window.

Delete Files and Folders

Step one

Navigate to "Start", then click on the "Start" menu and find the "Search" tab.

Step two

In the prompt window, select the option for a hard disk - Local disk C: or Local disk D: from the menu. Select it by clicking in the "All Files and Folders" box.

Step Three

Enter the search term 'antivirus.url" and then press "Enter” were using your keyboard to begin the search. All results that are displayed will be removed afterward.

Step Fourth

Re-start your PC after you've completed the above steps.

End System Processes

Step One

Select the "Start" tab and access the "Run" tab. A dialog box opens which you need to enter "taskmgr" and press "Enter" to activate "Task Manager" launched "Task Manager" launched.

Step Two

Then, in the "Task Manager" dialogue box Select "Processes" from the "Processes" tab by clicking on it.

Steps Three

Choose "xpantivirus.exe" amongst the list of applications and click "End Process" on the "End Process" tab to end the process.

Fourth Step

Repeat the above step for terminating the functions of 'download.exe', 'xpantivirusupdate.exe', 'install_xp.exe', 'ntoskrnl.exe', 'unins000.exe', 'explorer.exe.md5' and 'explorer.exe'. Complete the procedure by clicking the cross symbol that will close the dialog.

So, you are able to remove XP Anti-virus using the above methods executed precisely.

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