What Are The 5 Best Features Of Windows 7?

It is one of the most well-known operating systems that been able to bring Microsoft back to the world of speedier computers. Windows 7 after the failure of Windows Vista as emerged as an absolute leader in the Operating System. Although it is always recommended to be aware of your operating system to ensure that you can better computer and work with your computer. We will present useful tips to aid you in understanding your computer more. Here are a few ideas. www.webroot.com/safe

Step 1: The first thing that enters my head is security for the system. Yes, Windows 7 has some feature such as BitLocker which actually assists protect your drive from unauthorized access. It allows you to create a passwords for the drive, and after that you can save your most important files to the drive. This means that even if someone has access to the computer using a password for user however he will not be allowed get access to your drive that is secured.

Step 2: Make sure you check the junk files that are on your computer using the inbuilt programs like disk cleaning and defragmentation. to increase the speed of your computer because these junk files can occupy a lot of memories on the drive if not cleaned regularly over time. Therefore, I suggest you to clear the temporary folders every now and then in order to keep them clean. the time to ensure that your computer runs at an optimal speed.

Step 3: Remove the undesirable application from your system as it uses the resources and is useless for you. To get rid of the unwanted program, go to the control panel , then search for uninstalling a Program or Features and Programs. After you have a list of all applications make sure to remove all of them and you'll be free of any unwanted applications and applications.

Step 4: Keep your PC up to date with the help of Windows Updates. Every week Microsoft releases updates to the operating system it runs and strongly recommends to download all updates to ensure that you are in a position to keep malware at the helm. Not just Windows updates, but we also suggest downloading updates for your antivirus too.

Step 5: In the event that you end up in a situation that is more difficult than you are able to resolve and are looking to seek professional for assistance, please make use of the program known as PSR (Problem Step Recorder). The tool can be utilized by pressing Start, followed by all Program and then typing PSR into the search box and press Enter. Once you have entered, click on the record . This will keep all the actions that you have done and display the exact issue that you are encounter to the professional who you will be able to refer to later or even analyze the issue yourself. www.webroot.com/safe

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