How Do I Speed Up My Laptop?

Laptops are mobile and offer the advantage of mobility, but with the number of powerful programs that are being used in the present, one must also maintain the laptop frequently to ensure that it doesn't slow down. We will go over a some tricks and tips to ensure that your laptop's performance is not slowly.

Step 1: to determine which operating system you're running for your notebook. It can be XP, Vista or Windows. To confirm, right click to My Computer for XP or Computer for Vista and Windows depending on your computer's operating system.

Step 2: You will find it on the main screen or within the start menu, which will appear when you click START at the bottom of the left-hand edge of your screen. After that, click left on the properties, this will provide you with the details about your device .i.e. Microsoft XP or Microsoft Vista or Microsoft Windows.

Step 3: When you are familiar with the operating system, we'll determine the number of Antivirus you have installed on your laptop. Many people believe that having more antivirus will protect you; however this is not the case. Since multiple antiviruses may make computers slow due to the fact that they are in conflict and can block one the other.

Step 3: The laptops you purchase include antivirus software. Webroot 60 days’ trial is the most commonly used. It is important to ensure that you've removed it from your laptop using control panel and adding the program to be removed in XP and add feature and program for Windows Vista or Windows.

Step 2: When you are sure that you have only one antivirus on your system, we'll clean the loader on your automatic computer. Since the majority of them are not needed and are taking up the computer's resources. To accomplish this, we'll hold the Windows key i.e. one with a Microsoft flag on it. It is just beside shift, and press the pressing ctrl simultaneously, with the "R" as the letter "R". This will open the box labeled "RUN".

Step 6: Type in the command "msconfig" and then hit the Enter button or click OK. After that, it will launch the system Configuration Utility. Look for the Startup Tab. It should be the last tab to the right or the last tab.

Step 7: You'll find a list of all the applications that load into the computer's memory every time you start your computer. A lot of them aren't needed, such as Google Updates as well Adobe Updates you can also eliminate messengers from the list since you are able to login whenever you want to. Do not need to be loaded each time you boot your computer. Keep your antivirus up to date and then uncheck all other items.

Step 8: After all has been completed, select apply, and then click OK. Restart the computer. If the computer is restarted with an unintentional box that will say "You have made some adjustments. Make sure you check for the message that says "Don't repeat this message and then click close. This will make the computer function a more efficiently.

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