40 Million Netflix Streamers Are Warned About Malware Security Threats:

Are you among those 40 million Netflix streaming users? Beware if you're using the site for Netflix to stream the entire season of any TV show, because this website could be a serious danger to your system. According to Malwarebytes' corporation, malware authors are exploiting the security flaws within Microsoft Silverlight 5 to attack computers that connect to websites that use Silverlight; Netflix website is one of them. webroot.com/safe

Microsoft Silverlight vulnerability

If you are planning to utilize the Netflix website, you will need be installing Microsoft Silverlight, an alternative to Adobe Flash. Microsoft has designed this software to be a framework to write as well as running high-quality web Internet applications however Adobe Flash is more prevalent. Malwarebytes has disclosed on it's blog post that the flaw discovered in earlier versions of Microsoft Silverlight 5.1.20125.0 enable malware authors to write malicious software on compromised systems without needing to engage with users. The vulnerability was first discovered inside The Angler Exploit kits.

What does it mean for Microsoft Silverlight?

Microsoft had previously fixed and addressed the security flaw. However, this time, the vulnerability has been discovered that allows malware attackers to execute arbitrary code on affected systems. 

If it is discovered that the Angler exploit kits are present on the exploit page, it declares the version of Microsoft Silverlight has been installed on the system, it will be able to determine the exploit. In the event that it is determined that the Angler exploit kit finds that your computer's in good shape and it is able to create an exploitable library that exploits the vulnerabilities in Microsoft Silverlight. While only a few percent of websites require Microsoft Silverlight to run, however, Netflix is among the most vulnerable. Because Netflix boasts 40 million customers making use of the site to stream content, so the number of users who are in danger of being affected by being affected by this Microsoft Silverlight vulnerability is high.

If you also use the Netflix website to stream your content make sure you equip your PC with the security of a strong anti-malware. Download Webroot Free Antivirus to get the security of anti-spyware, antivirus and anti-rootkit. It also offers real-time security, browser protection and self-protection. www.webroot.com/safe

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