Is Epic Browser is safe with Webroot?

Epic is built to host a variety of functions and applications that can delight people on the World Wide Web audience. It comes with something that nobody has ever heard of: an integrated security feature for viruses in your browser.

The built-in antivirus and antispyware feature is powered and operated by The browser comes with its own sidebar, which includes a variety of widgets which are pre-installed. They include skins maps, news, jobs, maps, Gmail, Yahoo, games and many more. Epic claims that there are 1500 applications for free that you can install on your brand new Epic browser.

This India information in the sidebar contains everything from the latest news headlines, to regional news, as well as live cricket and TV commentary. It is the very first web browser to contain a set of productivity apps that will include more than 1500 sidebars that are free and user-installable applications that can be purchased through Epic Apps Store. Epic Apps Store.

Epic Browser Possibly the Best on the Market

Social networking websites like Facebook, Twitter and Orkut have been added in this sidebar. It is where you can sign in into your account and work on whatever project you're working on. There are many utilitarian features in this Epic Browser that will make the users very happy. Included in its bundle is a word processor for free as well as a tool for to-do lists, Snippet application, a timer and , the most essential purpose the ability to access your folders and files directly from the browser.

About Indic

There is an application named Indic that allows you to type in languages. Indian languages. It also comes with the ability to view videos on YouTube by using a small screen that allows you to browse through other websites while watching videos.

Epic Web Browser is based using Mozilla Firefox and is customized to meet the diverse needs of Indian users. The appearance, feel, as well as the speed offered by the brand new Epic Browser are definitely worth taking a look. You can get the browser at

Open Source manages to be extremely helpful in the face of the top competitors in the world of browsers. Microsoft's Internet Explorer is seen going downwards because of the mix of issues, regulators requesting MS to submit an Internet Explorer ballot, and other browsers increasing market share. The Apple's Safari, Google Chrome, opera and Mozilla Firefox are only a few of the browsers eager to take advantage of customers and take their place in this lucrative market.

Everyone is waiting to purchase your own Epic browser. Who wouldn't be interested in trying it? It could be an iPhone of browsers, which makes it even more appealing in the catalog of browsers available on the Web.

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